serving the world‘s oilseed, oil, fat and feed industries, trade, organisations, banks and government agencies

in more than 100 countries with comprehensive, unbiased and authoritative forecasts, analyses, facts, figures, prices and opinion.


The 3-4 page FLASH is published daily from Tuesday to Friday and is circulated by e-mail. The report gives daily analyses, daily prices, forecasts and opinion on the pertinent market topics of today and tomorrow. It serves the world’s oilseed, oil and feed industries and other market participants with reliable and unbiased information.


Thursday Sept 5

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • It remains to be seen at which point the current price strength in soya meal hampers sales of the ongoing pronounced growth of soya meal supplies …

  •  The substantial increase of 6.1 Mn T in US biodiesel & HVO production in the 3 years from Oct/July 2020/21 to 2024/25 triggered almost a quadrupling of US net imports of oils, fats & UCO in that period ...

  • Record canola crushings and comparatively high prices curbed Canadian canola exports to 6.75 Mn T in Aug/July 2023/24 by 1.2 Mn T ...

  • REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA: Crushings of sunseed declined by 10% on the year to a 5-year low of only 0.25 Mn T in April/July 2024. The necessary demand rationing ...



Wednesday Sept 4

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • The threat of Chinese import restrictions on Canadian canola has added an additional risk to the already volatile global supply and demand outlook for rapeseed & canola in 2024/25 …

  • U.S.A. Soybean crop conditions deteriorated in the week to Sept 1, mainly in Ohio, Kansas, Nebraska and Indiana, where close to 50% of the area currently has short or very short topsoil and subsoil moisture supplies ...

  • RUSSIA:  Oilseed crushings declined seasonally to an estimated 2.16 Mn T in July and the year-on-year increase slowed to 5% ...

  • CANADA: Production of biodiesel continued to increase in June, reaching a record 104 Thd T ...



Tuesday Sept 3

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • Latest setback of palm oil prices reflected profit-taking and a correction of the probably overdone deterioration of the price competitiveness registered in preceding days…

  • The mutual dependence of China and Canada in the rapeseed market is high: Canada accounted for as much as 91% of Chinese rapeseed imports ...

  • In July, world exports of palm oil fell short of expectations at only 4.1 Mn T and were thus 0.7 Mn T or 14% below a year earlier ...

  • INDONESIA: Palm oil production is seen declining by 1.2 Mn T on the year ...

  • SUNFLOWERSEED: World exports are seen falling to a 9-year low of approximately 2.4 Mn T ...

  • U.S.A.: Usage of soya oil in the production of HVO and biodiesel recovered to an 11-month high of 575 Thd T



Thursday Aug 29

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • Vegetable oil prices have started to recover and are seen appreciating further in the months ahead, reflecting a prospective tightening of supply and demand fundamentals worldwide.…

  • Lower than initially expected production and smaller stocks carried into the new season are likely to reduce world supplies of rapeseed & canola by an estimated 5.0 Mn T in 2024/25, making demand-rationing inevitable ...

  •  Preliminary harvest results point to sharply reduced yields in key producing regions.... Latest EU supply & demand estaimtes for rapeseed in the FLASH...

  • Sharply increasing global exports of the major vegetable oils have resulted in an increase of stocks in importing countries and price pressure in recent months, creating also a sense of ample supplies.….World exports of the four major vegetable oils reached a record 23.1 Mn T in May/July 2024 according to preliminary data.