serving the world‘s oilseed, oil, fat and feed industries, trade, organisations, banks and government agencies

in more than 100 countries with comprehensive, unbiased and authoritative forecasts, analyses, facts, figures, prices and opinion.


The 3-4 page FLASH is published daily from Tuesday to Friday and is circulated by e-mail. The report gives daily analyses, daily prices, forecasts and opinion on the pertinent market topics of today and tomorrow. It serves the world’s oilseed, oil and feed industries and other market participants with reliable and unbiased information.


Thursday Feb 13

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • The rising oil share is also mirrored in Argentine export prices: Those of soya oil appreciated to the high est level in more than two months yesterday...

  • The average annual growth of world palm oil production slowed significantly to only 0.6% in the five years ended 2024...

  • Lower shipments from Brazil curbed world exports of tallow to only an estimated 0.59 Mn T in Oct/Dec 2024, down 18%...


Wednesday Feb 12

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  •  The independent price strength of sunflower oil is justified by the recent pronounced slowdown of sunseed processing in the EU-27, Russia and Ukraine...

  • Soya meal exports of Argentina, Brazil, the USA and Ukraine increased steeply by 7.3-7.4 Mn T in Sept/Jan...

  • UKRAINE: Exports of the three key vegetable oils and oilmeals continued to sharply trail the year-ago levels in January...

  • INDIA: Imports of five major vegetable oils plunged by 22% on the year to 1.05 Mn T in January ...


Tuesday Feb 11

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • Malaysian palm oil export supplies will be lower than expected in Jan/March 2025, most likely falling to a 3-year low...

  • In China, soybean stocks are seen declining sizably in Jan/Febr 2025 owing to sharply reduced imports...

  • In Sept/Jan 2024/25, world exports of soya oil reached a record 6.0 Mn T ...

  • CANADA: Tightening domestic supplies are currently outweigh ing the looming risk of US trade restrictions ...


Thursday Feb 6

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • The still unusually large premium of palm oil prices over soya oil is likely to become one of the other key price-determining factors in coming weeks. ...

  •  The US accounted for 96% of total Canadian canola oil exports in 2024, illustrating the importance of the US market for the Canadian canola crush margins. ..

  • The USA has become the fourth largest importer of oils & fats, driven by rapidly rising domestic demand from the biofuel industry which has widened the domestic production deficit. ...

  • Heavily frontloaded disposals in Canada and Ukraine boosted world exports of rapeseed & canola to a record 20.6 Mn T in calendar year 2024 ...

  • Owing to the smaller acreage this season’s total rapeseed crop in India may decline by roughly 0.6 Mn T below the record levels of approximately 11.2 Mn T harvested in the preceding two seasons....