serving the world‘s oilseed, oil, fat and feed industries, trade, organisations, banks and government agencies

in more than 100 countries with comprehensive, unbiased and authoritative forecasts, analyses, facts, figures, prices and opinion.


The MONTHLY covers world supply and demand statistics with breakdown by major countries for the major oilseeds, the respective oils and oilmeals plus palm oil and fish meal. 

It analyses and forecasts the monthly, quarterly and annual development of world production, disappearance, stocks and prices of these commodities. 

It aims to be the navigation aid through the swelling sea of information, assisting its readers to better find the future course of prices as well as detect turning points ahead of the majority of market participants. The major price-determining factors for the near to medium term will be analysed and their impact on cash prices discussed.


Friday 19 July 2024

The following are the headlines of the respective OIL WORLD MONTHLY

The complete report including the textual part and the detailed statistical section can either be purchased and downloaded individually or is available on a subscription basis (by e-mail).

  • We have reduced our world production estimates for sunseed & rapeseed by a combined 2.3 Mn T from a month earlier...
  • While the looming shortfall in supplies of rapeseed meal and sunflower meal can be offset by soya meal, we expect bullish impacts on vegetable oils...
  • World usage of 8 veg. oils is seen increasing sharply by 8.4 Mn T in 2023/24, thereof Brazil 1.7-1.8 Mn T, India and Indonesia 1.2-1.3 Mn T each, China 0.8 Mn T and USA 0.7 Mn T...
  • Despite the prospective above-average increase in soybean disposals, there will be another global production surplus in 2024/25. We estimate soybean stocks to rise to a record of 119.1 Mn T...

Friday 21 June 2024

The following are the headlines of the respective OIL WORLD MONTHLY

The complete report including the textual part and the detailed statistical section can either be purchased and downloaded individually or is available on a subscription basis (by e-mail).

  • Prices of veg. oils are forecast to strengthen in 2024/25, vs. weakness in soya meal...
  • In 2024/25 we forecast world production of oilseeds to increase by 30 Mn T and consumption by 15 Mn T. Predominance of soybeans will complicate the satisfaction of product demand...
  • Soya oil will have to compensate diminishing availability of other seed oils as well as insufficient growth in palm oil supplies in 2024/25...
  • Only moderate recovery of palm oil yields to 3.3 T/ha expected in 2025. Together with only minor area growth this limits output...
  • Soya meal is likely to regain market share in the EU next season, benefiting from the prospective decline in EU rapeseed crushings...

Friday 24 May 2024

The following are the headlines of the respective OIL WORLD MONTHLY

The complete report including the textual part and the detailed statistical section can either be purchased and downloaded individually or is available on a subscription basis (by e-mail).


  • In 2023/24 world consumption of 7 oilseeds is seen increasing by 22.4 Mn T, the highest growth in 6 years. Yet, there will still be a global production surplus...

  • The rapeseed export surplus in Ukraine and Australia will diminish next season, forcing EU crushers to step up purchases in Canada...
  • We expect supplies of 8 oils to tighten in April/Sept 2024 when world production is forecast to increase by only 2.1 Mn T, sizeably trailing the anticipated consumption growth...
  • Record domestic production and seasonally declining Ukrainian export supplies turned the EU into a net exporter of rapeseed meal in Jan/Mar 2024...

Friday 26 April 2024

The following are the headlines of the respective OIL WORLD MONTHLY

The complete report including the textual part and the detailed statistical section can either be purchased and downloaded individually or is available on a subscription basis (by e-mail).

  • World crushings of sunflowerseed reached a record 14.9 Mn T in Jan/March 2024 (+2.0 Mn T from a year earlier). They are expected to fall below the year-ago level in the rest of this season...
  • We estimate total Chinese soybean imports at 47.4 Mn T in Oct/March 2023/24, 2.3 Mn T above a year earlier. Our estimate is 5.9 Mn T above Chinese import data...
  • The growth in world production of the 8 major veg. oils is estimated at 1.7 Mn T in April/Sept 2024, against 3.1 Mn T in Oct/March and 5.2 Mn T a year ago...
  • An implementation of the proposed EU import duties of 50% would require Russian rapeseed meal to regain market share in the rest of the world, competing with large supplies of South American soya meal as well as Indian rapeseed meal...
  • In Jan/March 2024 world exports of soya meal were boosted by 3.2  Mn T from a year earlier to a record 17.7  Mn T. Biggest increases were registered in Argentina (+1.6 Mn T), Brazil (+0.7 Mn T), the USA (+0.5) and China (+0.4)...